turkish tea

why turkish tea is brewed in a stacked kettle?

SAKI Team April 26, 2024
Why Turkish Tea is Brewed in a Stacked Kettle?

Summary: In this post, we'll explore the  Turkish tradition to uncover the secret behind the country's iconic tea-brewing method. Turkish tea  is a globally cherished tea known for its robust flavor and amber hue. But what many people don't know is that Turkish tea is brewed in a unique way, using a double teapot kettle called a "çaydanlık."  

Roots of Turkish Tea Culture

Tea, although not native to Turkey, has seeped deeply into its cultural fabric since its introduction in the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Originally, the Ottoman Empire had a strong preference for coffee, but due to the First World War and subsequent trade restrictions, coffee became scarce and expensive. This necessity led to tea becoming the favored alternative.

The real transformative period for tea in Turkey began in the 1930s under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey. Recognizing the potential of the Black Sea region, with its ideal climate and soil, the government initiated the cultivation of tea. This initiative quickly bore fruit, and by the 1940s, Rize emerged as a bustling center for tea production.

As domestic production of Turkish tea expanded, the first çaydanlık—a stacked kettle now synonymous with Turkish tea culture—was introduced to Turkey in the early 19th century by the Russian army during the Russo-Turkish War. This unique brewing apparatus quickly gained popularity and became an integral symbol of the burgeoning tea culture.

By the mid-20th century, tea had become entrenched as a daily ritual and a symbol of hospitality and friendship in Turkish society. Serving tea evolved into an act of welcoming and warmth towards guests. Today, Turkey is not only one of the largest consumers of tea globally, with an average person drinking about 1,300 cups per year, but also a country where tea symbolizes unity and shared experience, enjoyed from the early morning hours until late at night.

The Çaydanlık: A Masterclass in Double-Tiered Tea Brewing

The çaydanlık, an iconic symbol of Turkish tea culture, is the original stacked tea kettle. This unique apparatus consists of a kettle and a teapot placed one on top of the other. The larger bottom kettle is used to boil the water, while the smaller upper teapot is used to brew a strong tea concentrate.

The Benefits of the Double Tea Kettle System

  • Indirect Heat: The water is boiled in the lower kettle, allowing the tea in the upper teapot to steep indirectly. This method minimizes the risk of scorching the leaves, ensuring a smoother flavor.
  • Deep, Rich Flavor: The design of the stacked kettles facilitates prolonged brewing without over-dilution. This results in a tea that is both deeper and richer in taste.
  • Customized Strength: The double-tiered setup allows you to control the strength of your tea easily. By adjusting the amount of water mixed with the concentrate from the top pot, you can customize your brew to suit any preference.
  • Continuous Enjoyment: As guests enjoy their tea, the host can replenish the bottom kettle with fresh water, keeping the supply of hot water constant for extended gatherings.
  • Efficient Energy Use: This efficient design maximizes heat utilization, simultaneously heating the water and brewing the tea, which saves energy.
  • Elegance in Aesthetics: Beyond its functionality, the çaydanlık offers an elegant method of brewing tea. The stacked design is not only practical but also visually striking, particularly when the reddish amber-colored tea glistens through.

In Conclusion

Turkish tea, brewed in a double tea kettle, embodies a harmonious blend of tradition and unparalleled flavor. It is more than just a beverage; it's an experience—a symbol of warmth and Turkish hospitality. For those seeking to embrace this rich tradition with modern convenience, the TeaSmart Electric Turkish Tea Maker is a must-have addition to your kitchen.

Common Questions About Turkish Tea Brewing

Q: How long should I brew tea in the top teapot to make Turkish tea?

A: Typically, 15-20 minutes to extract the full flavor from the tea leaves.

Q: Do I have to use black tea from Black Sea Region of Turkey to make Turkish tea?

A: No, you don't have to. What distinguishes Turkish tea is its unique brewing method. Therefore, you can use any black tea to make Turkish tea. However, if you want to experience the specific flavor of the region, you can also purchase Turkish tea leaves cultivated in the Black Sea Region.