turkish coffee

easy turkish coffee recipe: step-by-step home guide

SAKI Team June 25, 2024
Easy Turkish Coffee Recipe: Step-by-Step Home Guide

Summary: Discover world's oldest coffee brewing method - making Turkish coffee. This post provides simple instructions for both traditional and modern brewing methods, using a cezve and an electric coffee maker. Learn the basics, get tips for the perfect brew, and explore the rich history behind this unique coffee style.

The Origins of Turkish Coffee

The Turkish coffee brewing method, originating in Ethiopia in the 1300s. Made its way to Istanbul by the 1500s, becoming a key part of Ottoman culture. The first coffee houses, opened in Istanbul in the late 1500s, played a significant role in shaping global coffee culture.

Originally Ethiopian, the Ottoman Empire spread it and it became known as 'Turkish coffee'. In recent years, the naming has become more regional. Greek coffee in Greece, Armenian coffee in Armenia, and so on – yet, the traditional essence of the coffee remains. Symbolizing a shared history of hospitality across cultures and centuries.

The Traditional Turkish Coffee Brewing

Traditionally, Turkish coffee is prepared in a turkish coffee pot, cezve – a small pot typically made of copper or brass with a long handle. This method involves simmering finely ground coffee with cold water over a direct heat source. Creating a potent brew topped with a rich foam.

While this method demands patience and skill, it rewards you with the richest coffee enjoyment you can imagine. Until the 1800s, this was the only way to make coffee! Only then did other methods like the French press and espresso come into the picture. But the unique flavor and texture of Turkish coffee have stood the test of time.

Modern Electric Turkish Coffee Maker

Today, electric Turkish coffee makers have changed the way people make traditional Turkish coffee. The Saki Electric Turkish Coffee Maker is a perfect example of how modern coffee brewing equipment can simplify the process without compromising the authentic taste. These coffee machines maintain the perfect brewing temperature, ensuring a consistent foam on top every time.

Step by Step Recipe Guide with SAKI Electric Turkish Coffee Maker

Here is the steps to make Turkish coffee in an electric Turkish coffee maker:

Ingredients and Tools


  1. Measure the Water: Pour cold water into the Saki Turkish coffee maker using an espresso cup. This helps in determining the exact amount of coffee and water needed.
  2. Add Coffee and Sugar: Add the coffee grounds and sugar into the water. Do not stir.
  3. Brewing: Switch on the Saki Turkish coffee maker. The machine will heat the mixture at a consistent temperature, ideal for Turkish coffee. The brewing time is usually short, so stay close.
  4. Ready to Serve: Once the coffee starts to rise and foam forms on top, turn off the maker. Let it settle for a few seconds.
  5. Pour and Enjoy: Slowly pour the coffee into Turkish coffee cups, ensuring the foam is evenly distributed. Serve immediately with Turkish delight or other sweet treats.

Easy Recipe with Turkish Coffee Pot (Cezve)

For those who prefer the traditional method, here’s a quick guide using a cezve:

Ingredients and Tools

  • 1 cup of cold water (use an espresso cup to measure)
  • 2 heaped teaspoons of fine Turkish coffee grounds
  • Sugar (optional, as per taste)
  • Copper or stainless steel Turkish Coffee Pot


  1. Water and Coffee: Add ground coffee and cold water into the coffee pot. To make your coffee sugary, also add sugar at this step. (1 tsp per cup for little sugar, 2 tsp for moderate, and 3-4 tsp for a well-sugared coffee).
  2. Heating: Place the cezve on medium heat. Do not stir initially; wait until the coffee dissolves.
  3. Stir and simmer : Gently stir the ingredients and put the cezve over low heat.
  4. Watch the Foam: Watch the brewing until a thick foam develops and rises to the rim. This will take 4-6 minutes but you should not leave it alone on the stove to avoid any overflowing.
  5. First rise: Wait for the foam to rise. Then, remove the cezve from the heat. Use a teaspoon to skim off the foam. Finally, divide the foam into the cups.
  6. Second rise: Put the cezve on the stove again. When you see the second rise, pour the coffee slowly over the foams in the cups. Try not to lose foams since it is important to serve Turkish coffee with a thick foam.
  7. Serve and enjoy: Serve the Turkish coffee along with a glass of cold water and a small sweet.

Understanding Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is unique and it's important to know how to enjoy it properly.

  • Patience is key: Turkish coffee, unlike other coffee styles such as French press, pour over, or espresso, serves quite hot. So, give it a little time to cool down. Waiting not only spares your tongue but also allows the flavors to fully develop.
  • Sip slowly: To truly appreciate the depth of flavor and unique texture, sip your coffee slowly. This method isn't just about a caffeine kick; it's about an immersive experience. Let each sip gently unfold the layers of taste and aroma.
  • Leave the grounds: As you reach the bottom of your cup, remember not to drink or eat the coffee grounds that have settled there. They've done their job imparting richness to your brew, so leave them to rest at the bottom of the cup.


Remember to enjoy Turkish coffee slowly, savoring it with friends and family. The key to perfect Turkish coffee, whether using an electric Turkish coffee maker like the Saki or a traditional cezve, lies in the coffee grounds, the amount of coffee and water, and the control of the brewing temperature. Enjoy your coffee with a side of history and tradition!

Common Questions & Answers

Q1: How to Drink Turkish Coffee?

A1: Start by waiting a minute after serving to allow the grounds to settle at the bottom of the cup. Then, sip slowly, enjoying the rich, strong flavor. Usually, people serve Turkish coffee with a glass of water; you should drink some water first to cleanse your palate. Remember not to drink the coffee grounds settled at the bottom.

Q2: Can Turkish Coffee Be Made Sweet or Is It Always Strong?

A2: You can adjust Turkish coffee to suit various sweetness levels. Traditionally, people determine the amount of sugar before brewing. You can choose from no sugar (sade), a little sugar (az şekerli), semi-sweet (orta), or sweet (şekerli). Before brewing, mix sugar with water and coffee grounds to ensure that each sip has the same sweet taste.

Q3: How Long Does It Take to Perfectly Brew Turkish Coffee?

A3: The brewing time for Turkish coffee is relatively short but crucial. Typically, it takes about 3-5 minutes to brew Turkish coffee over a low heat. The key is to watch for the coffee starting frothing and ensuring it doesn't boil. Once the foam rises and almost reaches the top of the pot, it’s time to remove it from the heat.