Can I make yellow tea with samovar?
Yes, you can make yellow tea in a samovar. To do so, just follow the directions above.
Should I use loose tea leaves or tea bags to make yellow tea?
It is always better to use loose tea leaves to make tea since the flavor of the bag will also infuse into the water and spoil the taste of the final infusion.
Does yellow tea help bowel movement?
As a stimulating warm drink, yellow tea helps encourage bowel movement for many people.
What is a tribute tea?
Tribute tea, also known as gong cha, is the tea donated to the Chinese emperors by the tea makers. It was a tradition that continued until almost 300 years ago. Yellow tea was among tribute teas due to its rareness.
yellow tea recipe

Summary: Have you ever tasted yellow tea? Below you will learn about it and figure out how to make it in a double tea kettle.
Tags: Yellow tea recipe
Yellow tea is a type of tea made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. It is a kind of lightly fermented version of green tea. After being picked up, both green tea and yellow tea go into a drying process, but green tea is dried completely to prevent oxidation whereas yellow tea is allowed to retain some moisture to provide 10%-20% oxidation. This is the main difference between green and yellow tea, and this difference produces a lighter and less grassy flavor and yellow color in yellow tea.
Yellow tea is not as popular as the other teas made from Camellia sinensis, such as black tea, oolong tea, and green tea. It is the latest developed tea type which started to be made around the 14th century. Compared to black and green tea, which has been around since ancient times, yellow tea is really young. Yellow also takes real tea experts to accomplish its lengthy and delicate process to provide the right level of fermentation. It has been consumed only by local people or used as a tribute tea for Chinese aristocrats for centuries due to its difficult process. Selling yellow tea abroad was not allowed during these years, either. So, it never had a chance to gain popularity outside of China.
Yellow tea has more caffeine than green tea but less than black tea. As for health benefits, yellow tea is very similar to green tea. You can learn the health benefits of green tea by clicking on this link.
Yellow tea is traditionally brewed using a single teapot. However, the recipe below describes how to make yellow tea using a double tea kettle. Making yellow tea in a double tea kettle yields more flavorful tea that is warmer for a longer time than traditional single teapot brewing. You can refer to our related blog following this link to learn more about the different tea brewing methods in the world.
Let’s mention one last point before moving on to the yellow tea recipe below. You should pay close attention to the quality of tea leaves and water to experience a pleasant tea journey for any tea you are making. So, you should use quality tea leaves and distilled or bottled water if your tap water is low quality to make tea. Otherwise, you may have an unpleasant experience.
Now, let’s move on to the yellow tea recipe below and enjoy the process of making tea in a double tea kettle!
85 oz (2.5 L) water (27 oz for brewing tea), filtered or bottled if tap water is of poor quality
20 g yellow tea leaves for 27 oz (800 mL) water
A double tea kettle
Some honey, maple syrup, or sugar (optional)
Some lemon juice or slices (optional)
Some mint leaves (optional)
Add water to the lower kettle, and put it on the stove to boil. The amount of water should be at least at the capacity of the upper teapot since we will use this water to steep yellow tea leaves.
Once the water is boiled, turn off the heat source and let the water cool down for five minutes.
After five minutes, add yellow tea leaves to the upper teapot and pour the hot water over it. The amount of water you pour should be 27 oz (0.8 L) for 20 grams of tea leaves. If your teapot is larger and you want to make more tea, increase the tea leaves accordingly.
Add more water into the lower kettle, put it on the stove to boil, place the upper teapot over it, and close its lid.
Once the water is boiled, wait 5-10 minutes for tea leaves to release all their flavors into the water. You can check whether the tea is brewed sufficiently by opening the lid and observing the tea leaves. The tea is ready to drink if the leaves have completely sunk to the bottom. If not, wait some more because brewing time can change depending on the tea leaves.
Once the tea is ready, prepare the teacups and pour the infusion in the upper teapot as much as you want, and then fill the rest of the cup with the boiled water from the bottom kettle. You can adjust the hardness of yellow tea by adjusting the amount of infusion you pour into the teacups. You can fill the teacup only with the infusion without adding water for a stronger tea.
Your yellow tea is ready! Please be careful while drinking it since it will be hotter than the yellow tea brewed in a single teapot.
Enjoy your teatime!
Nutrition Facts
Please keep in mind that you can change the amounts of ingredients mentioned above according to your preference. The more tea leaves you add, the stronger the tea becomes, and vice versa. On the other hand, you can also adjust the hardness of your tea by adding some hot water from the lower kettle to the infusion while filling the teacup.
Yellow tea is traditionally served in a porcelain teacup with a saucer. You can offer some honey, maple syrup, or lemon along with it, depending on your preference. A mint leaf can also be added to the infusion. A sweet cookie goes very well with yellow tea.